Wednesday 8 June 2016

How to Get Thick Eyebrows

The most important feature of every woman faces her eyebrows. You may look beautiful, but if not properly designed, then your eyebrows beauty hidden. Beauty parlor for women and adolescents each month are done threading. Threading removes unwanted hair from the eyebrows down and find beautiful appearance. But in many cases children are not adequate in women's eyebrows. A perfect thick eyebrow makes you more beautiful. Well-sized effect it is a decrease compared to women eyebrows. But the problem with the help of some home remedies that can be easily resolved. The benefit of having a thick eyebrow shape can give you any. This is why women are yearning for thick eyebrows. Pencil thin eyebrows are no longer making day.
Thick eyebrows quite in vogue these days, because they significantly improve the appearance of skin bring. Eyebrows thin and small lifeless skin and older shows. Additionally plucking, threading and waxing (plucking, threading and waxing) to become thin eyebrows. Sometimes aging, lack of nutrients, and using the wrong beauty products and Haiprthairoidism eczema  on the grounds of the eyebrows are thin. Chemotherapy and radiation (chemotherapy and radiation) eyebrows are quite harmful.

How to Get Thick Eyebrows

Home remedies to grow thick eyebrows

Aloe Vera gel

Aloe Vera Gel is a natural gel inhibitor to the growth of eyebrows. Aloe Vera Gel nourishes your hair follicle and promotes their growth. Aloe vera plant in your home so you can easily remove the gel. With thick eyebrows that make the prison makes them soft and supple. Even after the use of this natural medicine any Laytening you do not have to use the product. With the development of the eyebrows, hair loss in their edge is also suitable prison.

Castor oil

Castor oil is an old technology. It has been tested too much . It has proven its ability to deliver thick eyebrows. Just before you sleep at night due to which the oil is to your eyebrow hair root could reach the eyebrows. Castor oil helps them to resist microorganisms which can inhibit the growth of eyebrows. Some of the factors hindering the growth of eyebrows as eczema (eczema) or microorganisms attack. Castor oil you use regularly so that your eyebrows will start moving soon. This oil is cheap and easily available in the market.


Milk is a natural hair conditioner. Or for a cup of milk to make tea is always in your fridge. Now you can utilize to create, thick eyebrows. Milk in a small bowl. A cotton ball dipped in milk gently rub on your eyebrows. Whenever you get time to have thick eyebrows, then you have to measure it. You can also measure the milk mixed with lemon. A bowl of milk with a few drops of lemon juice insert. This mixture is mixed well with the cotton and apply on your eyebrows. This will help give you a thick eyebrows.

Coconut oil

Coconut oil bottle on your dressing table should be. It also lets you get very dense and impressive eyebrows helper is a wonderful component. If your eyebrows are very light coconut oil is a great natural remedy. If you want to deepen your eyebrow color than black coconut oil so it will be an effective mechanism. Coconut oil is found very effective for hair growth. Rome gives nourishment to the hair. Well with a few drops of coconut oil on your eyebrows can find it. If you use it every day, you can get black and thick eyebrows.

Olive oil

Many housewives sunflower oil for the olive oil is felt healthy choices . The oil in the kitchen of your home can easily get. Cotton balls dipped in the olive oil and apply on your eyebrows. This will be your eyebrows thick . Chafe your eyebrows everyday olive oil is very important.


Lemon hair grow in several ways is appropriate. Fresh lemon juice is also beneficial to health. You will buy for your family citrus market. Along with health benefits, lemon can also be useful for enhancing your beauty. Lemon is quite easy to use. Just rub a piece cut your eyebrow. This wonderful ways to help grow your eyebrows. You squeeze the lemon juice can also eyebrow. By juice can rub them gently.

Yolk (Egg yolk)

Eyebrows hair keratin protein (keratin protein) and are manufactured from the best source of protein is the egg. Eyebrows are so dense because the egg has helped improve the health of the hair of the eyebrows. The yellow part of eggs for the treatment of the Shuffle and a thick creamy good form it. Use this paste on the eyebrows and leave it to dry for 20 minutes. Then wash it with cool water. Use this treatment twice a week for a few months continue.

Onion juice

It rapidly raise the eyebrows and the hair is dense enough to help. Sulfur in onions (sulphur) juice collagen increases the production of cells which are growing very rapidly and eyebrows shaved hair Folikals gets strengthened. Onion juice on your eyebrows for 5 minutes with the help of massage and leave it to dry. Then a gentle cleansers (cleanser) and wash with cold water. Continue this treatment for at least 1 month.

Almond oil

It contains vitamins A, B and C (Vitamins A, B, and E) contains, causing the hair to get nutrition and their growth is quite good. Almond oil on your eyebrows and rub in circular currency. Leave it overnight and wash it in the morning.

Fenugreek seeds

Fenugreek seeds are also dense eyebrows, because plenty of protein, contains nicotinic acid and lecithin, which is the edge of the hair quite well. These hair Folikals proves very effective in repairing. Make a paste of ground fenugreek seeds and make coconut oil mixed. Find it before going to sleep on the eyebrows and leave it overnight. Wash it with warm water in the morning. Using this method at least 2 to 3 times a week for months.

Healthy eating

Thick eyebrows is quite necessary for the good food. Eat foods that are rich in vitamin A, such as red peppers, sweet potatoes and carrots. Vitamin E-rich food in your daily diet, such as almonds, peanuts, spinach, etc. Include. Food containing vitamin C, such as citrus, peppers, broccoli, papaya and to also increase the intake of oranges. Protein-rich dairy products, eat plenty of beans and pulses. Omega 3 fatty acid containing foods such as avocado, walnuts, olive oil and salmon and fish, green vegetables and lean meats, such as eat plenty of iron-rich foods.

Something to Remember

The hair of the eyebrows Folikals spherical currency daily massage well. Aksfoliatt the skin around the eyebrows, so that they may turn away the dead skin and blood circulation of the body be well. 3 times a day to moisturize eyebrows Use petroleum jelly. Eyebrows a capsule (capsule) and keep out of vitamin E oil. Continued waxing, threading Tvijing and refrain from doing.


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