Sunday, 5 June 2016

How to remove pimples Naturally

Acne (pimples) are troubled by the problem of the people. It is more in people with oily skin. There are many people who are on them, without being oily skin with acne (pimples) is problematic. Adolescent acne is bound to be. Many times on the stage after crossing the acne (pimples / Pimpalgaon) the problem still persists. Skin more greasy (oily) are problematic for those college-going girls who are way out cause acne does not want to show anybody. Acne is a type of inflammation in the skin that occurs when the oil glands of the skin are more prone to bacteria. You now remove pimples (to remove pimples) can use for household tips.
How to remove pimples Naturally

Acne, skin conditions which are common, are boys and girls in adolescence. These inflammatory conditions of the skin on the neck and back are. These joints can become painful and often pus arrives. The disease is not contagious, but the young boys and girls tend to embarrassment. Are very aware of their young as your self-esteem and thereby feel. Rash on the face of the measures: -

Causes of pimples

Skin more greasy (oily) of oil from oil glands that emit more than close the pores of the skin leads to acne. Not removing dead skin and closes the pores. Physical and hormonal changes in girls and boys Sibelius gland which stimulates the production of more oil. Sebum also close the pores and acne bacteria to flourish in developing help. Some dairy products high in calcium and sugar, which is found in some acne develops. Estrogen-containing medicines also cause acne. Failure to properly clean makeup products contain chemicals that are linked to acne. Mekapon must thoroughly clean all the night.

Home remedies to treat pimples as well as pimple treatment for oily skin -

1 - Anti acne treatment with Ice for pimples

You can get it easily from the refrigerator. If you have acne (pimples / Pimpalgaon) want to get rid of the bike and a few pieces of ice and put it on the pimples. This portion of your blood pimples fast. Pimples on the ice wrapped in pieces of cloth you can find. If you feel the process is too cold, then wait a bit and use the process again.

2 - Anti acne treatment with Honey to remove pimples

Those who want to keep themselves healthy, sugar substitutes as they have honey in your kitchen. Honey in your home, so it makes you treat acne, acne will easily blow away. This is an excellent product which is an immediate impact on pimples . Cottonswab dipped in honey acne (pimples / Pinpls) and put it on the skin. Keep it for half an hour and wash. If it must be washed with warm water, then the effect is more.

3 - Lemon remedy for pimple

To maintain the beauty and health lemon helps you tremendously. Treatment of acne, acne is important to fix the contribution of the lemon. Lemon is a rich source of vitamin C in it, so that it withered acne fairly quickly. Fresh lemon juice lemon extract, use only. Bottled lemon juice contains chemical substances which are harmful to the skin.

4 - steam for pimples

The steam from the affected area of ​​skin Romchidra open. It is easier for the skin to breathe. It is the process by which a great many skin impurities and excess oil spike acne (pimples / Pinpls) are deposited on the face, decrease. It all skin infections are cured. Take a large pot and boil the water. Once the water is boiling pot on the front of your face, keep it face-down tilt, allowing the steam to come on your face. Now wash your face with lukewarm water and oil-free moisturizer and keep on the face. It was a day when the face can easily remove pimples.

Some more homemade remedies,pimple treatment for oily skin

Treatment of acne and acne home remedy to get rid of some regular adopt simple, is safe and effective. These measures

  • Soak overnight in a cup of rice. Make a paste by grinding grain morning, survivors filtered water. Mix a few drops of lemon juice in it. The coating on the nail by acne washed 20 minutes after leaving it.
  • Ground nutmeg and mix the raw milk. Apply it on the affected area as a pack. After half an hour, let it be washed away.
  • Cinnamon powder, make a paste of lemon juice and honey and apply to pimples overnight stay. Do it in the morning washed away by water.
  • Make a paste by mixing the powder with water, dried orange peel and apply on pimples.
  • Wedge of lemon juice to remove pimples and black seed oil can of peanuts.
  • Ninm leaves and turmeric powder and mix together to get rid of acne that you can use.
  • Mashed ginger rub on acne to get rid of acne would be very effective.
  • Baking soda helps to remove excess oil and dirt from the skin, which helps get rid of acne. Prepare a paste of baking soda and lemon juice and apply on acne and get rid of it after a few minutes.
  • Apple cider vinegar or lemon juice to lighten the water and place it on the acne. 2 to 3 times the figure would appear after the acne disappear.
  • Mustard oil to spike and amazing acts on acne. Mustard, vitamin C, omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, which is Salisaiklik acid and zinc is good for the skin. Mustard powder or mustard paste and apply on the acne to make cooking and used. Use it as a face pack of honey and mix it in the first few levels.
  • Cold strong tea is beneficial in the treatment of acne.
  • Tomato pulp to 2 to 3 times a day to invoke the acne.
  • Lavender and tea can plain oil on acne. It is advisable that these essential oils do not rub on the skin without being lighter.
  • Calamine lotion rose water or lemon juice as a natural astringent to cleanse the skin and apply on the acne. Calamine lotion helps keep skin healthy.
  • Roghari aspirin tablet is good for acne wedge. Make a paste by mixing ground water aspirin tablet. Leave overnight to put it on acne.
  • Aloe vera is a good material for the treatment of acne. It is caused by Sujnvirodhi and anti-bacterial properties. Please complete covering of the pulp of aloe vera acne.


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