Showing posts with label Web Development. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Web Development. Show all posts

Tuesday, 28 June 2016

The New Google Algorithm Farmer- What SEO/SEM Professionals Need to Know

The New Google Algorithm Farmer- What SEO/SEM Professionals Need to Know

It's official! While there has been talk of an upcoming algorithm change from Google for at least a couple of months, these past couple of weeks saw a definite change in the way that Google ranks those sites on the web vying for top placement in its listings. So what is the big news? This algorithm specifically went after content farms and in addition to a broad extent low quality sites that have been gaming the system for higher rankings. Since the algorithm targeted content farmers, this algorithm has been nicknamed The Farmer. 
If you read our recent article: "Google Moving Against Content Farms- What Does This Mean for SEO?" You probably were already on the look-out for the coming algorithm change. Now that the algorithm has taken effect, the SEO/SEM community definitely knows a little bit more about it, however there are still a few things that require more research and information. 

Who Was Targeted by the Farmer Algorithm? 

This algorithm change which took effect since late February is said to have affected between 11% and 12% of the search queries in the United States. As of the moment, it is not sure when the algorithm will affect other regions in the world. 

Some of the major website properties that were affected included article distribution sites, aggregated content sites (those sites that republish original content from others), sites that mostly sell products with little or no content associated with them, and in general sites that don't have unique or high quality content. Generally speaking, if a website's goal is to monetize content that is not original or high quality, then it is likely that the site has been targeted by Google. 

Who Has Benefited from the Farmer Algorithm? 

Generally speaking, those sites that have or will benefit from this algorithm will be sites that create unique, high quality content. Obviously, white hat SEO always included creating high quality, unique content as a prerequisite for obtaining long term quality results, this fact hasn't changed. 

Tips for SEO/SEM to Avoid the Wrath of Farmer 

If you noticed a sudden drop in the Search engine result pages or if you want to avoid a sudden drop in the future, here are some tips that should help you avoid the raft of the Farmer algorithm. 

Make sure that the vast majority of content that you post on your website is unique and original. Obviously, you may have to post product descriptions or technical specs that come from a manufacturer, however when possible, create original and unique content in addition to this republished content. 

Consider using the Original Source meta tag from Google: meta name="original-source" content= More information at: 

This meta tag directly tells Google that the content you have on your site is original- this way if someone plagiarizes your content or duplicates it in anyway, Google will know the original source and you should get all the credit from Google. 

Another good tool to checkout is at This tool will scan the net looking for duplicate content so that you can identify specific pages on your website that need to be re-written so they are 100% unique. 

Be choosy with the type of articles that you distribute. It should be noted that while Google has targeted many article distribution sites, you will not be penalized for having your content on these sites- the more likely possibility will be these back links will have less power and thus be less effective- so there is no need to remove any of your content from these sites. 

Be careful how you monetize your content. Obviously, those that heavily advertise on their site will receive extra scrutiny from Google. If you use content to lure traffic for monetization, definitely use unique content and do not rely solely on aggregated/republished content. 

Obviously, the Farmer algorithm has only been out for a couple of weeks, so SEO/SEM professionals are still researching its broad effects. As always, we'll keep you updated as well if we find important information.

Web Development Tools You Should Know

Hello Friends  in this article we are discuss about web development tools.

Web Development Tools You Should Know

1 -  CSS Pre-Processors

CSS Pre-processors are in our improvement life for a considerable length of time. In their first usage, they had few elements. In any case, these days, they are the key fixings and must have apparatuses for CSS improvement. Pre-processors expand CSS with variables, administrators, interjections, capacities, mixins and numerous more other usable resources. Backtalk, LESS and Stylus are the understood ones. When this  is distributed, SASS is at adaptation 3.3.5, LESS is at variant 1.7.0 and Stylus is at form 0.43.1.

2 -  Template Engine

Making a static HTML page comparatively is straightforward. Be that as it may, on the off chance that you have different HTML pages to handle in your venture, things could escape hand. The vast majority of these pages may have the same segments, for example, a Header, Sidebar, and Footer.Utilizing a Template Engine sounds better for this circumstance. There are presently various Template Engines that we can utilize, for example, Kit, Jade, and Handlebars. Each has its own composition traditions. Unit, for case, comes just with 
Variables and Import capacity which are pronounced with a basic HTML remark label, similar to so.

// example of importing a seperate template
<!-- @include inc/partial  -->
// this is a variable
<!-- @var: The Variable Value -->

3 - Development Toolkit

Advancement Toolkit assembles various apparatuses in one Application. In the event that you are not happy with the content based setting in Grunt, a GUI application would most likely be a superior apparatus for you. 
Codekit pioneers this sort of use, and incorporates LESS, Sass, Kit, Jade, Siml, Uglify, Bower, and significantly more on its element list.

Thursday, 9 June 2016

List of Programming Languages

In this post I will share almost all of the programming language. If any questions come to your mind, you can post a comment below. And if you liked my post so you do not forget to subscribe to my Blog.
List of Programming Launguages

List of Programming Languages

  1. 4th Dimension/4D
  2. ABAP
  3. ABC
  4. ActionScript
  5. Ada
  6. Agilent VEE
  7. Algol
  8. Alice
  9. Angelscript
  10. Apex
  11. APL
  12. AppleScript
  13. Arc
  14. Arduino
  15. ASP
  16. AspectJ
  17. Assembly
  18. ATLAS
  19. Augeas
  20. AutoHotkey
  21. AutoIt
  22. AutoLISP
  23. Automator
  24. Avenue
  25. Awk
  26. Bash
  27. (Visual) Basic
  28. bc
  29. BCPL
  30. BETA
  31. BlitzMax
  32. Boo
  33. Bourne Shell
  34. Bro
  35. C
  36. C Shell
  37. C#
  38. C++
  39. C++/CLI
  40. C-Omega
  41. Caml
  42. Ceylon
  43. CFML
  44. cg
  45. Ch
  46. CHILL
  47. CIL
  48. CL (OS/400)
  49. Clarion
  50. Clean
  51. Clipper
  52. Clojure
  53. CLU
  54. COBOL
  55. Cobra
  56. CoffeeScript
  57. ColdFusion
  58. COMAL
  59. Common Lisp
  60. Coq
  61. cT
  62. Curl
  63. D
  64. Dart
  65. DCL
  66. DCPU-16 ASM
  67. Delphi/Object Pascal
  68. DiBOL
  69. Dylan
  70. E
  71. eC
  72. Ecl
  73. ECMAScript
  74. EGL
  75. Eiffel
  76. Elixir
  77. Emacs Lisp
  78. Erlang
  79. Etoys
  80. Euphoria
  81. EXEC
  82. F#
  83. Factor
  84. Falcon
  85. Fancy
  86. Fantom
  87. Felix
  88. Forth
  89. Fortran
  90. Fortress
  91. (Visual) FoxPro
  92. Gambas
  93. GNU Octave
  94. Go
  95. Google AppsScript
  96. Gosu
  97. Groovy
  98. Haskell
  99. haXe
  100. Heron
  101. HPL
  102. HyperTalk
  103. Icon
  104. IDL
  105. Inform
  106. Informix-4GL
  108. Io
  109. Ioke
  110. J
  111. J#
  112. JADE
  113. Java
  114. Java FX Script
  115. JavaScript
  116. JScript
  117. JScript.NET
  118. Julia
  119. Korn Shell
  120. Kotlin
  121. LabVIEW
  122. Ladder Logic
  123. Lasso
  124. Limbo
  125. Lingo
  126. Lisp
  127. Logo
  128. Logtalk
  129. LotusScript
  130. LPC
  131. Lua
  132. Lustre
  133. M4
  134. MAD
  135. Magic
  136. Magik
  137. Malbolge
  138. MANTIS
  139. Maple
  140. Mathematica
  141. MATLAB
  142. Max/MSP
  143. MAXScript
  144. MEL
  145. Mercury
  146. Mirah
  147. Miva
  148. ML
  149. Monkey
  150. Modula-2
  151. Modula-3
  152. MOO
  153. Moto
  154. MS-DOS Batch
  155. MUMPS
  156. NATURAL
  157. Nemerle
  158. Nimrod
  159. NQC
  160. NSIS
  161. Nu
  162. NXT-G
  163. Oberon
  164. Object Rexx
  165. Objective-C
  166. Objective-J
  167. OCaml
  168. Occam
  169. ooc
  170. Opa
  171. OpenCL
  172. OpenEdge ABL
  173. OPL
  174. Oz
  175. Paradox
  176. Parrot
  177. Pascal
  178. Perl
  179. PHP
  180. Pike
  181. PILOT
  182. PL/I
  183. PL/SQL
  184. Pliant
  185. PostScript
  186. POV-Ray
  187. PowerBasic
  188. PowerScript
  189. PowerShell
  190. Processing
  191. Prolog
  192. Puppet
  193. Pure Data
  194. Python
  195. Q
  196. R
  197. Racket
  198. REALBasic
  199. REBOL
  200. Revolution
  201. REXX
  202. RPG (OS/400)
  203. Ruby
  204. Rust
  205. S
  206. S-PLUS
  207. SAS
  208. Sather
  209. Scala
  210. Scheme
  211. Scilab
  212. Scratch
  213. sed
  214. Seed7
  215. Self
  216. Shell
  217. SIGNAL
  218. Simula
  219. Simulink
  220. Slate
  221. Smalltalk
  222. Smarty
  223. SPARK
  224. SPSS
  225. SQR
  226. Squeak
  227. Squirrel
  228. Standard ML
  229. Suneido
  230. SuperCollider
  231. TACL
  232. Tcl
  233. Tex
  234. thinBasic
  235. TOM
  236. Transact-SQL
  237. Turing
  238. TypeScript
  239. Vala/Genie
  240. VBScript
  241. Verilog
  242. VHDL
  243. VimL
  244. Visual Basic .NET
  245. WebDNA
  246. Whitespace
  247. X10
  248. xBase
  249. XBase++
  250. Xen
  251. XPL
  252. XSLT
  253. XQuery
  254. yacc
  255. Yorick
  256. Z shell

Monday, 23 May 2016

Create Sign up and Log in Form in Bootstrap using Jquery

Create Sign up and Log in Form in Bootstrap using Jquery
Create Sign up and Log in Form in Bootstrap using Jquery .In This post we are going to show you how to create sign up and log in form in bootstrap using jquery. for download this source code you can click download source code link given below of preview image. after click that a new page of google drive is open where you can download source code of Create Sign up and Log in Form in Bootstrap using Jquery in zip formate.


Create Sign up and Log in Form in Bootstrap using Jquery
Create Sign up and Log in Form in Bootstrap using Jquery

Online Student Registration in PHP MYSQL

online student registration

Online Student Registration in PHP MYSQL

Here I am post a student registration application in php. in this application you can add student, view detail of student, print information of stuedent , delete student information and search student by name and registration id. if you want to download this application you can click on download link given below.Online Student Registration in PHP MYSQL .
Demo of Student Registration Application
Online Student Registration in php
Online Student Registration in php
Online Student Registration in php
Online Student Registration in php
Online Student Registration in php
Online Student Registration in php
Feature : – 
1-Admin Login
2-Add Student with image
3-View Student Detail
4-Print Student all information
5-Delete Student Detail
6-Search Student By Name OR Registration Number

How to Create Search Engine in PHP

How to create search enginr in php

Hi Friends !
Here I am post a search engine source code in php. Search Engine  has a become a useful tools in internet worlds. In this Post we will Discuss about basics of search engine and then see how to create our own search engine using PHP and MySQL. Using this Serach engine we can get the information on any topics of our choice. Download source code and Learn how to create search engine in php. if you want to download source code click on Download code button given below.
How to create search engine in php

What is Search Engine?

A search engine is web based tool who allows the internet users to find any information with related keywords on the internet. There are many search engine used on the internet like Google, Yahoo, MSN, Ask, Bing etc. A search engines are special type of program used to search information having specified keywords and return a list of information where keyword are locate.
How to create search engine in php
Feature of This Source Code
1-Add Data
2-View Data
3-Search Data Like Google
How to create search engine in php
How to create search engine in php